Bombardier CRJ200 Regional Jet w/ 3 liveries.Boeing B747-400 Jumbo Jet w/ 3 liveries.Boeing B777-200ER Airliner w/ 3 liveries.Boeing B737-800 Airliner w/ full interactive cockpit (over 280 switches, buttons, knobs, & levers!) + 3 liveries.Free! Cirrus Vision SF50 w/ full interactive cockpit + 5 liveries.Free! Cessna 172SP w/ full interactive cockpit + 4 liveries.In addition, the following aircraft are available as in-app purchases: That's why each of our free regions features detailed terrain, lifelike city buildings, & 3-D airports-complete with terminal buildings, jetways, hangars, & more.▶ FEATURES√ 9 free tutorials, teaching the basics of takeoffs & landings, traffic patterns, helicopters, & more.√ 2-player internet multiplayer via Game Center (free for everyone)√ Fully interactive cockpits on many aircraft, wired to real systems models, with working gauges, displays, buttons, & switches√ Full startup procedures supported on many aircraft (optionally start any aircraft from cold & dark state)√ More than 50 systems modeled, each of which can be failed on command√ Emergency scenarios√ Combat missions▶ AIRCRAFTThe app includes 2 aircraft (plus all 5 scenery regions) for free.

With working gauges, flight displays, & more, these cockpits are as realistic as those in our full desktop sim.But aircraft are no good without a place to fly them. Mel Martin, Engadget ◀▶ Over 1 million downloads! ◀Come experience why real pilots fly X-Plane.It starts with the flight model-the same flight model used in our FAA-certified desktop simulator-that’s complete enough to model the flex in your wings & the tilt in your landing gear.Add to that our desktop-quality aircraft with multiple liveries and interactive 3-D cockpits-so detailed you can do a full startup procedure using the hundreds of buttons, knobs, & switches in the cockpit. It's not a game, it's a simulator!▶ Highly recommended.